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热门关键词: 移动推拉篷 钢化玻璃和钢结构 固定停车篷








来源://www.shmtd.com/ 日期:2022-08-19 发布人:
It is very important to repair the parking shed in Jinan in time when it is damaged. How to repair the parking shed when it is damaged?
1. If the damage is relatively large, the cover method shall be adopted. The edge of the damaged part shall be polished to make it flat. Clean dust shall be inserted with a clean cloth. Then, according to the screenshot of the damaged area and the cover materials (such as color steel plate and sunlight plate) that are more than twice the area, special strong glass adhesive shall be applied to the storage edge. Then, the cover materials of the parking shed shall be covered on the surface of the damaged surface with the force point in the middle of the area, Gently knead to make the contact uniform. After air drying, use waterproof glass adhesive to coat the joint to prevent water leakage.
2. One condition is the breaking and fracture of steel members caused by the bad environment. At this time, it is first determined whether to repair or replace according to the damaged condition. It is enough to replace the old parts directly from the original manufacturer. In the case of repair, welding equipment can be used to weld the damaged surface.
3. The crack may be less than 2cm in diameter. The common waterproof resin glue in our market can be used to evenly modify the damaged part, and then the plastic film is laid on it to prevent water. In this way, it only needs 24 hours of air drying, and the repair is completed.
Note that in case of heavy snow or rainstorm, if there is water or snow, it is necessary to close the space covered by the film surface for the public, and immediately adopt measures to prevent new water accumulation. Avoid damage of membrane material caused by water accumulation.
The acid-base substance is the killer of the shed, and the acid-base substance has a corrosive effect on the steel structure and membrane data. If the steel structure is accidentally stained with acid (such as sulfuric acid and vinegar), alkali (such as methyl alkali, soapy water and soda water), it shall be immediately washed with clean water and then wiped with dry cotton cloth.
In short, when the parking shed is damaged, it shall be repaired in time to ensure its good performance. The implementation of maintenance measures helps to maintain the appearance of the parking shed surface and improves the service life of the parking shed. Follow us //www.shmtd.com Yes, learn more!
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