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热门关键词: 移动推拉篷 钢化玻璃和钢结构 固定停车篷








来源://www.shmtd.com/ 日期:2024-07-19 发布人:


  The use of canopies is becoming increasingly widespread, generally used at the entrance of buildings. So what requirements do we need to meet to achieve high-quality canopies? The following small parts are provided for you to introduce in detail:


  Firstly, as the canopy must withstand the wind and rain, it is required to be strong enough. To meet this requirement, certain standards must be met in terms of material and structure. Firstly, in terms of structure, if it is located in areas with strong winds or areas that are more susceptible to wind, it is advisable to choose those with supports instead of those with cliff like structures. For example, in terms of materials, different materials have different functions. Some materials are more durable, while others have better toughness. Some materials are mainly used for fire and corrosion resistance. Users should choose according to different situations.057c5f84-ed06-40c0-8dde-04c6ddf0b5cf


  There is another particularly important aspect, and some places' canopies must have sufficient transparency. As they are often used at the entrance of some buildings, if they do not have good transparency, it will cause the intersection to become darker, which is not conducive to increasing light.


  What are the two common types of rain shelters in our daily lives?


  Rain shelters have a very good rain blocking effect in our lives, bringing us a lot of convenience. There are two commonly used products based on the type of canopy. So, let our editor introduce it to you next.


  The so-called matching style refers to the use of it to combine with some basic buildings, such as balconies, windows, or entrances and exits. When it is built, it also has a carrier, and relatively speaking, its engineering quantity is not too large. It can be divided into soft building construction. Soft refers to the use of light weight, and some even use soft objects as building materials, which has great convenience and immediacy. Another type is hard building, usually using fiberglass or other metal materials for construction, which generally looks very luxurious. The doors of regular companies or stations and hospitals are usually built in front of them. Used this facility.


  When building a standalone structure, it usually exists independently, so its function is also independent. Sometimes it is just a simple shelter for pedestrians, and sometimes it is also used as a separate passage. It is precisely because of its independent existence that when building, the amount of work is often very large, and more of it is hard material. When used as a passage, it is sometimes in a semi closed state, and sometimes it serves as a shelter. Relatively speaking, when building this type of canopy, more attention should be paid to its aesthetics. It not only needs to be independent, but also integrated with the surrounding environment, and the quality requirements for the columns are also very high. Only in this way can it achieve independent survival. The inverted effect.


  The canopy has been integrated into our lives, and its main function is to block wind and rain, bringing convenience to our lives. So, where do we use rain shelters in our daily lives? Next, let our editor introduce it to you. Generally speaking, the most widely used place for rain shelters is in factories. Due to the large population and number of vehicles in factories, random parking not only poses safety hazards within the factory area, but also affects aesthetics. Therefore, many factories have built rain shelters from a management perspective, allowing employees to park their vehicles in a more reasonable and orderly manner. On the other hand, due to the investment of certain costs, parking and retrieving vehicles for employees is more convenient and comfortable, indirectly providing benefits for employees.


  Secondly, some well-known residential communities have also installed many canopies in the area. Although there are garages in the communities, the number is limited and cannot meet the increasing number of vehicles. The measure of installing a rain shelter can help car owners no longer worry about their cars being frequently exposed to sunlight and rain, and make them more satisfied with the configuration of the community.


  Finally, some private villas have also installed rain shelters in their courtyards, don't think that the owners can't afford a garage. The actual situation is that neither the garage nor the canopy can be omitted. As for the canopy, in addition to its practical utility, it highlights its exquisite and unique design style as a decoration and embellishment for the villa, which can be said to be rich and capricious.

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