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热门关键词: 移动推拉篷 钢化玻璃和钢结构 固定停车篷








来源://www.shmtd.com/ 日期:2023-07-18 发布人:
When using a canopy in summer, there are several precautions to consider:
1. 防止日晒:夏季阳光强烈,使用雨棚时应尽量选择遮阳性能好的材料,如遮阳布或遮阳网,以防止阳光直射。此外,可以考虑增加雨棚的高度或倾斜度,以获得更好的遮阳效果。
1. Prevent exposure to sunlight: In summer, when using a canopy, it is recommended to choose materials with good shading performance, such as sunshade cloth or shading net, to prevent direct sunlight. In addition, increasing the height or inclination of the canopy can be considered to achieve better shading effects.
2. 通风透气:夏季气温高,雨棚内部很容易变得闷热,影响舒适度。因此,在设计和选择雨棚材料时,应考虑通风透气性能。可以选择有通风口或花纹的材料,以增加空气流通。
2. Ventilation and breathability: In summer, when the temperature is high, the interior of the canopy can easily become stuffy, affecting comfort. Therefore, when designing and selecting canopy materials, ventilation and breathability should be considered. You can choose materials with vents or patterns to increase air circulation.
3. 防水防潮:尽管夏季降雨较少,但仍需要考虑雨棚的防水性能,以应对可能的阵雨或暴雨。建议选择防水性能好的材料,并确保雨棚的连接处紧密,避免雨水渗漏。
3. Waterproof and moisture-proof: Although there is less rainfall in summer, it is still necessary to consider the waterproof performance of the canopy to cope with possible showers or rainstorm. It is recommended to choose materials with good waterproof performance and ensure that the connection of the canopy is tight to avoid rainwater leakage.
4. 检查固定结构:由于夏季风力较大,特别是在沿海地区或高楼林立的城市,雨棚的固定结构非常重要。在使用雨棚前,应检查固定点、连接处和支撑架的稳固性,确保能够经受住大风的考验。
4. Check the fixed structure: Due to strong summer winds, especially in coastal areas or cities with towering buildings, the fixed structure of rain sheds is very important. Before using the canopy, the stability of the fixing points, connections, and support brackets should be checked to ensure they can withstand the test of strong winds.
5. 定期清洁维护:夏季容易积累灰尘、树叶等杂物,影响雨棚的美观和使用寿命。因此,定期清洁雨棚是必要的。可使用软刷灰尘,并定期清洗材料表面,避免杂物堆积。
5. Regular cleaning and maintenance: In summer, it is easy to accumulate dust, leaves, and other debris, which affects the appearance and service life of the canopy. Therefore, regular cleaning of the canopy is necessary. Soft brushes can be used to remove dust and regularly clean the material surface to avoid debris accumulation.
Please note that the above suggestions are for reference only and should be selected and used based on the material and actual situation of the canopy.
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