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热门关键词: 移动推拉篷 钢化玻璃和钢结构 固定停车篷








来源://www.shmtd.com/ 日期:2023-08-27 发布人:
The die-cutting and indentation process is based on design requirements to cut or stamp the edges of printed materials into various shapes, add a special artistic effect to the printed materials, and achieve a certain functional use. The process of punching and cutting the substrate into a certain shape is called die-cutting; The process of using steel wire to press marks or leave groove marks that are conducive to bending on the substrate is called indentation.
The printing plate used for die-cutting is called a knife plate or a rolling knife. The commonly used tool is a steel wire with a sharp edge, which is bent into various desired shapes on a fixture and then formed into a printing plate. The circular pressure circular die cutting device, also known as the rotary die cutting machine, uses two types of die cutting indentation plates. The first type is carved from complete materials, and the production of this type of tool requires specialized equipment, which is expensive but durable; The second type is a die-cutting indentation plate, made on a thin iron sheet and then wrapped on a drum. The plate material for the indentation line is also steel wire, which is slightly lower than the blade line and has no sharp edges. The seamless cutting tool with special graphics is made of a whole steel plate.
The production of flat die-cutting indentation plates can be roughly divided into two stages: the first stage is to prepare the base plate, and the second stage is to cut the steel wire and bend it into various knife shapes according to the tangent trajectory, which are placed inside the base plate.
There are two types of impression plates for molds: metal plates and wooden plates. There are several types of metal base plates, such as cast lead plates and steel type plates. There are various types of wooden boards, such as plywood, wooden boards, and zinc wood nail boards. At present, the die-cutting indentation plate in China mainly uses multi-layer wood plywood. It means transferring the assembly design drawing to a plywood board with a thickness of 15-22mm, sawing the lines and drilling holes, and then embedding the die-cutting knife and crease line onto the wooden board according to the length of each box shaped blade line using the die-cutting knife and crease line to make the die-cutting board. The specialized equipment used for indentation processing of die-cutting knives includes blade cutting angle machines, etc.
With the summary on Jinan Color Design Printing, I hope it can be helpful to our customers. If you have any questions or need help, please click on our website: https://www.sdhzyw.com Or call for consultation, and we will do our best to solve it for you
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