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热门关键词: 移动推拉篷 钢化玻璃和钢结构 固定停车篷








来源://www.shmtd.com/ 日期:2024-03-20 发布人:


1. Material of membrane


① PVC film (polyvinyl chloride): PVC film is a common membrane material with a long service life. They can resist ultraviolet radiation and harsh weather, are easy to clean and maintain, and are therefore widely used in many membrane structures.


② PTFE film (polytetrafluoroethylene): PTFE film has excellent weather resistance and chemical stability, so it is used in some special purpose car sheds. They can withstand ultraviolet radiation and high temperatures for a long time and are suitable for extreme environments.


③ Other materials: There are also other film materials to choose from, such as polyethylene, ETFE (ethylene tetrafluoroethylene copolymer), etc. Each material has specific characteristics, and selecting the appropriate material based on project requirements and environmental conditions is crucial.


2. The quality of the membrane


① Weather resistance: The quality of the film is directly related to its weather resistance. High quality membranes typically undergo strict quality control and exhibit excellent resistance to ultraviolet radiation. This means that they can withstand long-term exposure to ultraviolet radiation and are not easily faded or aged. Therefore, high-quality films have a longer service life.


② Strength and durability: High quality films typically have high physical strength and can resist tearing, puncture, and physical damage. This makes them more durable and less susceptible to accidental damage, such as storms or mechanical collisions.


③ Anti fouling and anti mold properties: High quality films typically have anti fouling and anti mold properties. This helps maintain the appearance and performance of the film, prevent the accumulation of stains or mold, and extend its service life.


④ Material treatment: High quality films usually receive appropriate material treatment and UV resistant coatings to increase their durability. These coatings help to reduce the damage of ultraviolet radiation to the membrane.


2. Climate conditions


The climate conditions in the location of the membrane structure carport have a direct impact on the lifespan of the membrane. Under harsh weather conditions such as strong winds, high temperatures, severe cold, or high humidity, the lifespan of the membrane may be significantly shortened. Ultraviolet radiation is also an important climate factor that can cause membrane aging and brittleness. Therefore, in areas with harsh climates, additional protective measures such as sunscreen coatings or shading equipment are needed to extend the lifespan of the film.



3. Maintaining cleanliness


Regular maintenance and cleaning can extend the service life of the membrane. Maintaining the cleanliness of the membrane surface can prevent the accumulation of stains and mold, which may lead to membrane damage. In addition, early repair of potential damage is also very important to prevent small problems from escalating into big problems. Regularly checking the condition of the membrane and removing accumulated dirt can ensure its long-term stability. Regular maintenance and cleaning are key to extending the lifespan of the membrane.


4. Design and installation


The design and installation quality of the carport can also affect the service life of the film. Unreasonable design or improper installation may cause excessive tension or uneven force on the membrane, leading to damage and tearing. Therefore, when designing and constructing a membrane structure carport, it is necessary to rely on a professional design and construction team to ensure the correct installation of the membrane and control of tension.


5. Physical damage


Physical damage such as accidental collisions, tears, or punctures is one of the main factors that shorten the lifespan of the membrane. Therefore, special care is required during use and maintenance to prevent physical damage from occurring. This can be achieved by regularly checking the integrity of the membrane, taking protective measures, and training staff.


6. Usage frequency and purpose


The frequency and use of membrane structure carports can also affect the lifespan of the membrane. Frequent use and heavy usage may lead to faster membrane wear. Therefore, when planning the use of the carport, it is necessary to choose appropriate materials and designs based on actual needs to ensure that the membrane can withstand the required strength.


This article is dedicated by Jinan Canopy Friendship. For more information, please click: //www.shmtd.com Sincere attitude. We will provide you with comprehensive service. We will gradually contribute more relevant knowledge to everyone. Stay tuned

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